Woven vinyl of my dad and myself.jpg

I Am My Father’s Son

Handwoven vinyl

8’ x 4’


My dad and I didn't have the best relationship, we were too similar, and butted heads more often than not. Perhaps we identified what we didn’t like about ourselves in each other. We were identical twins born generations apart. As an artist I had this vision that I would create a body of work that included both of us. So each year on my visits to Mexico I would pack my camera in hopes of starting on it and each year I would come back with nothing. I never found the right moment. There was too much resentment that blocked my motivation. My dad passed away the same day I took this self-portrait and the morning after while looking through pictures of him I found a photo that I had taken of him a couple of years ago. I decided that I would create my biggest piece from these two images. I started weaving our portraits together. I might not have a whole series but I have one. love you dad.